
US Election 2016 Tweets Analysis

Descriptive Statistics

Obtained Tweets General Statistics

General statistics about obtained tweets

Tweets per hour

  • mean: 15135 tweets
  • std. deviation: 6423 tweets
  • min value: 2842 tweets
  • max value: 27446 tweets

Frequencies of references to presidential candidates

General statistics about Twitter account: realDonaldTrump

Frequencies of referenes to Twitter account realDonaldTrump

Frequencies of references to realDonaldTrump: mentions and hashtags

  • mean: 8856 tweets
  • std. deviation: 4332 tweets
  • min value: 1381 tweets
  • max value: 20106 tweets

Frequencies of mention: @realDonaldTrump

  • mean: 8848 tweets
  • std. deviation: 4331 tweets
  • min value: 1378 tweets
  • max value: 20094 tweets

Frequencies of hashtag: #realDonaldTrump

  • mean: 10 tweets
  • std. deviation: 11 tweets
  • min value: 0 tweets
  • max value: 61 tweets

General statistics about Twitter account: HillaryClinton

Frequencies of references to Twitter account HillaryClinton

Frequencies of references to HillaryClinton: mentions and hashtags

  • mean: 4326 tweets
  • std. deviation: 1798 tweets
  • min value: 828 tweets
  • max value: 7377 tweets

Frequencies of mention: @HillaryClinton

  • mean: 3807 tweets
  • std. deviation: 1591 tweets
  • min value: 699 tweets
  • max value: 6718 tweets

Frequencies of hashtags: #HillaryClinton

  • mean: 519 tweets
  • std. deviation: 267 tweets
  • min value: 116 tweets
  • max value: 1326 tweets

General statistics about Twitter account: BernieSanders

Frequencies of references to Twitter account BernieSanders

Frequencies of references to BernieSanders: mentions and hashtags

  • mean: 3086 tweets
  • std. deviation: 1759 tweets
  • min value: 524 tweets
  • max value: 10260 tweets

Frequencies of mention: @BernieSanders

  • mean: 2596 tweets
  • std. deviation: 1536 tweets
  • min value: 385 tweets
  • max value: 9699 tweets

Frequencies of hashtag @BernieSanders

  • mean: 490 tweets
  • std. deviation: 396 tweets
  • min value: 120 tweets
  • max value: 2772 tweets

Correlation analysis of references to presidential candidates

Correlation Statistics

Correlation analysis: Trump - Clinton

  • Correlation Coefficient: 0.7487182
  • 95 percent confidence interval
  • p-value = 3.979e-14
  • Very Strong positive correlation between tweets that references Trump and Clinton

Correlation analysis: Trump - Sanders

  • Correlation Coefficient: 0.7711351
  • 95 percent confidence interval
  • p-value = 2.295e-15
  • Very Strong positive correlation between tweets that references Trump and Sanders

Correlation analysis: Hillary - Sanders

  • Correlation Coefficient: 0.5557884
  • 95 percent confidence interval
  • p-value = 4.02e-07
  • Strong positive correlation between tweets that references Clinton and Sanders

Entities Referenced from Tweets

Named entities extracted from tweets from 24/05/2016 4:00am to 27/05/2016 4:00am, EEST time

Top-20 US election-related channels by mention references

Top-20 US election-related channels by hashtag references

Top-20 US election-related websites by shortened URL references to them

Top-20 US election-related people by references to them

Top-20 US election-related locations by references to them

Top-20 US election-related organizations by references to them
