Petfinder - adoption prediction

Source: petfinder

Millions of stray animals suffer on the streets or are euthanized in shelters every day around the world. If homes can be found for them, many precious lives can be saved — and more happy families created. has been Malaysia’s leading animal welfare platform since 2008, with a database of more than 150,000 animals. PetFinder collaborates closely with animal lovers, media, corporations, and global organizations to improve animal welfare. Animal adoption rates are strongly correlated to the metadata associated with their online profiles, such as descriptive text and photo characteristics. As one example, PetFinder is currently experimenting with a simple AI tool called the Cuteness Meter, which ranks how cute a pet is based on qualities present in their photos.

Goals: In this project we will be developing algorithms to predict the adoptability of pets - specifically, how quickly is a pet adopted? If successful, they will be adapted into AI tools that will guide shelters and rescuers around the world on improving their pet profiles' appeal, reducing animal suffering and euthanization.


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