Exploring the qualities of White wine dataset

Source: Eastvillage

White wine is a type of wine that is made primarily from white grapes or from the juice of both white and black grapes. Unlike red wine, white wine is not fermented with the grape skins, resulting in a lighter color and more delicate flavors. The color of white wine can range from pale yellow to golden hues. White wine can be produced in various styles, each offering its own characteristics and flavors.

Goals: This project deals with the Exploratory Data Analysis using R using the white wine dataset and explores the relationships between features and the “Quality” rating. The format includes Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate analyses with a final summary and reflection at the end. The original dataset can be found here: This dataset contains information about Portuguese white variants of Vinho Verde wine. It includes 4898 observations of 12 features. 11 of the features are chemical variables (independent variables), and the other feature is wine quality (dependent variable), a subjective measure that is the median of the opinions of three wine experts.


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